Wednesday, April 2, 2014

URF mode win rates

I collected over 200k URF mode games during the ~2 days so far. These games are so popular and go so fast that it was extremely easy to get these data.

Here's the win rates on  URF mode per champion, from the highest to lowest. I am sure a lot of these numbers are no surprises to you. 

Champion Win Rate Popularity
Sona 77.973% 21.151%
Soraka 66.283% 18.427%
Hecarim 62.403% 16.908%
Kayle 61.177% 13.126%
Nami 59.342% 7.727%
Nidalee 58.921% 39.039%
Alistar 58.744% 18.688%
Galio 58.528% 2.968%
MonkeyKing 55.568% 12.385%
Janna 55.261% 6.522%
Skarner 55.069% 5.482%
Karma 55.058% 9.888%
Morgana 55.024% 9.774%
Ezreal 54.839% 35.902%
Fizz 53.871% 16.277%
Malzahar 53.767% 5.810%
Sivir 53.577% 7.949%
Shen 53.576% 6.013%
Jayce 53.175% 13.668%
Orianna 53.061% 5.160%
Sion 52.787% 6.384%
Talon 52.293% 6.319%
Taric 52.058% 4.835%
Lulu 51.810% 11.946%
MasterYi 51.769% 20.481%
Swain 51.630% 8.759%
XinZhao 51.488% 5.586%
Sejuani 51.263% 1.605%
Karthus 51.110% 12.528%
Lucian 50.875% 8.343%
Fiora 50.870% 6.080%
Maokai 50.839% 9.645%
Poppy 50.818% 6.219%
Leona 50.811% 8.123%
Yorick 50.729% 5.637%
Evelynn 50.482% 9.004%
Ziggs 50.480% 18.999%
Brand 50.285% 7.982%
Jax 50.040% 8.617%
Lux 49.823% 30.431%
Warwick 49.810% 6.070%
KogMaw 49.747% 7.268%
Zyra 49.690% 8.459%
Syndra 49.580% 7.202%
TwistedFate 49.507% 7.539%
Nautilus 49.506% 2.396%
Ashe 49.463% 15.728%
Draven 49.253% 6.611%
Veigar 49.153% 12.286%
Urgot 48.893% 9.095%
Graves 48.872% 2.427%
Katarina 48.621% 14.914%
Malphite 48.464% 7.278%
Zed 48.409% 19.374%
Rengar 48.174% 8.020%
Ahri 48.088% 16.980%
Heimerdinger 48.083% 9.833%
Blitzcrank 48.082% 17.546%
Amumu 47.988% 4.624%
Shaco 47.948% 13.161%
Twitch 47.941% 3.448%
Nasus 47.845% 11.352%
Annie 47.748% 8.589%
Kennen 47.497% 3.239%
Teemo 47.492% 20.477%
Diana 47.423% 3.677%
Riven 47.309% 12.731%
FiddleSticks 47.149% 9.802%
Vladimir 47.104% 5.942%
JarvanIV 47.040% 2.755%
MissFortune 46.900% 3.399%
Viktor 46.785% 2.632%
Darius 46.598% 6.092%
Caitlyn 46.452% 7.153%
Quinn 46.298% 1.904%
Lissandra 46.197% 2.830%
Akali 46.058% 9.591%
Varus 46.014% 11.778%
Gangplank 45.746% 13.274%
Irelia 45.513% 2.021%
Mordekaiser 45.410% 3.126%
Renekton 45.308% 2.916%
Chogath 45.209% 5.448%
Gragas 45.082% 8.540%
Tristana 45.026% 7.058%
Jinx 44.737% 12.420%
Tryndamere 44.663% 8.045%
Velkoz 44.556% 10.165%
Rammus 44.450% 3.086%
Xerath 44.342% 5.096%
Khazix 44.295% 9.595%
Volibear 44.294% 2.148%
DrMundo 43.983% 5.327%
Singed 43.957% 4.048%
Vi 43.925% 3.543%
Pantheon 43.391% 9.234%
Nocturne 42.896% 4.339%
Leblanc 42.850% 17.175%
Zilean 42.673% 7.370%
Vayne 42.210% 7.817%
Trundle 42.072% 1.610%
Corki 41.884% 2.354%
Shyvana 41.317% 1.527%
Udyr 41.008% 3.867%
Cassiopeia 40.961% 3.290%
Nunu 40.561% 4.709%
Olaf 40.262% 2.297%
Garen 40.187% 4.435%
Zac 40.058% 1.041%
Elise 38.946% 1.568%
Anivia 38.353% 3.612%
LeeSin 38.294% 9.646%
Aatrox 37.822% 1.298%
Rumble 36.821% 0.876%
Thresh 36.243% 5.305%
Yasuo 33.686% 6.165%

What I do NOT find surprising:

- Nidalee, Soraka, Sona, Jayce, Helicopter-Pony win like crazy.
- Yasuo, Rumble, Cassiopeia suck, since they gain very little from the 80% CDR.
- Lux is mediocre. Her R spam is decent, but no match for the sustain from some of the better champions.

What I DO find surprising:

- Galio wins like crazy. This is probably due to his W spam and his MR scaling against a meta that is almost all magic damage poke.
- Nami wins like crazy. Not quite sure what happened here, especially if you consider the fact that her E is not too useful and does not scale well with CDR. Perhaps due to a combination of sustain from her W and her damage/CC from Q + R.
- LeBlanc is played often, but she isn't too good. Despite what Riot said during the TSM vs C9 match, you cannot perm root someone with her E spam. 

- Unfortuantely, ban rates are not available. I do suspect Nidalee and Sona are actually banned quite a bit. When Nidalee gets picked, for example, around 1/3 of the games will have Nidalees on both sides.
- Win rates are calculated only in games which the champion in question is played on one side. This makes sure an overwhelmingly popular champion does not have close to 50% win rate.

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