Saturday, July 19, 2014

Doom Bot statistics!

I got 50k Doom Bots games over the last 2 days on NA*. Here are some statistics below:

Average Win Rate for Players: 50.98%

Average Win Rate per League Tier**:

10 Most Popular Doom Bot Choices for Players
Name Win Rate Popularity
Ezreal 51.17% 18.66%
Lucian 56.60% 17.96%
Yasuo 53.72% 17.72%
Caitlyn 54.56% 16.70%
Ziggs 62.61% 14.77%
Master Yi 48.93% 14.69%
Jinx 51.35% 14.21%
Lux 57.36% 13.33%
Lee Sin 54.72% 10.66%
Tristana 50.03% 10.55%

10 Most Successful Doom Bot Slayers (with at least 1000 game records)

Name Win Rate Popularity
Ziggs 62.61% 14.77%
Kog'Maw 60.32% 4.11%
Galio 58.12% 4.05%
Lux 57.36% 13.33%
Jarvan IV 57.28% 2.71%
Riven 57.02% 6.83%
Lucian 56.60% 17.96%
Vel'Koz 56.07% 5.79%
Xerath 55.94% 5.79%
Talon 55.14% 3.73%

10 Least Successful Doom Bot Slayers (with at least 1000 games records)

Name Win Rate Popularity
Twitch 42.23% 2.77%
Garen 42.93% 2.83%
LeBlanc 43.44% 3.04%
Kassadin 44.00% 3.63%
Veigar 44.39% 3.80%
Cho'Gath 44.45% 2.29%
Fiddlesticks 44.56% 2.14%
Shaco 45.57% 2.15%
Ashe 45.58% 4.68%
Dr. Mundo 45.83% 2.55%

* "Doom Bot" refers to Doom Bot of any level (1, 2, or 5 bombs). I cannot distinguish between the levels. You can blame Riot for that. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do about it. has the same problem.

** Challenger players won 76% of the time. But I only got 76 challenger players/games on record, so the sample size is awfully small.

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